History of « open source »


1940s-1960s | The origins of computers and software

The ENIAC computer (1945)

Deck of punched cards for a computer program

The history of « open source » takes its roots in the early days of computing, a story that can begin around 1945 following the Second World War. In the first decades, computers were huge machines that weighed tons and filled rooms. The ENIAC, considered as the first computer created in 1945, weight more than 25 tons and was programmed with physical punch cards, in binary, the machine language composed of 0 and 1. Soon at the end of 40s arrived « stored-program » computers enabling early software. A landscape with much more primitive tools than nowadays, mainframe computers used exclusively for calculation by universities, public agencies or some big companies.

During more than 20 years at the origins of computing, it was the norm to provide software with their source code. Computers were manipulate only by specialized people, often mathematicians, who required to adapt custom software to their needs with important portability issues to run them from one device to another. Initially, compagnies in the computer industry built mainly their business around the selling of hardware components since early 50’, with progressively organisations contracted to support the production of software such as the Computer Usage Company in March 1955.

The oldest signs of collaborative practices around software between stakeholders date back to the very first commercially available computer, to the first programming languages. Remington Rand was a machine facturer which developed the computer UNIVAC in 1951, selling tens of units, with Grace Hopper working for them to develop programming language utilities, the compiler A-2 which was then provided with the machine in 1953. She received feedback and lists of implemented improvements by UNIVAC’s users, from actors like the Army Map Service or during training workshops on the software, suggestions that are then implemented in new versions of the compiler (Beyer 2012). Because of the state of computing at the time, a culture of sharing software and its source code has always existed offering configurations where nascent collaborative approaches were able to emerge through these interactions between universities, public administrations or corporations, with hardware providers gathering some core, shared software.

By the time, no one was talking about « open source »; the first writings using the term « software » date from around 1958 (Leonhardt 2000).

Hopper realized that the process of invention could not be confined to the artificial boundaries of her staff or even her company.

“It was evident that Remington Rand’s Programming Research Group had progressed considerably further in the development and application of automatic programming techniques than had any other single or combined effort in this field.”
Grace Hopper and the Invention of the Information Age, Kurt W. Beyer

Grace Hopper with a team at the UNIVAC I console (1960)

1969 was a turning point in the history of computing. In the industry, software began to be sold as a separate product from hardware, with the IBM’s unbundling announcement in June being a driving force in this change (Grad 2002). The 29 October 1969, two computers from the University of California and the Stanford Research Institute established the first remote connection that give birth to the ARPANET network, the Internet ancestor, initiating a revolution in the way information is shared and produced.

1990s | Open Source: a Theorization of Collaborative Development Methodology

Essay The Cathedral and the Bazaar (1997)

Linux computer kernel (1991)

Although appearing sporadically before then (Tournoij 2023), the term “open source” was strategically adopted in 1998 by a group of actors who will create the Open Source Initiative. This will be part of a desire to disseminate these code-sharing and collaboration practices, following the publication of Eric Raymond’s essay “The Cathedral and the Bazaar” in 1997 which proposed a decentralised development methodology around « free software », inspired by the Linux community. A book that will influence strongly the world of computing and the software industry, revealing some collaborative potential of a nascent Internet.

at a time when the sharing of source code had been a reality for 40 years, with various forms of collaboration transformed by the democratisation of the Internet.

  • Confusion factor free software
  • marketing/reach business

Slowly appearing

The Cathedral and the Bazaar: A Software Methodology leading to Open Source (collaborative + theorization + development methodology)

    1. Linux arrival, World Wide Web and Internet democratisation (Red Hat & business on freely available software)
    1. Publication the Cathedral and the bazaar by Eric Raymond => Brooks’s law limit and collaborative methodology
    1. Coining of « open source », (january/february) Netscape source code release & Open Source Summit (April): free software confusion factors and marketing campaign for business
  • (October 1998) Microsoft Halloween Documents, Linux is a cancer (2001)

Most hackers know that Free Software and Open Source are just two words for the same thing.
Bruce Perens

Brooks’s Law predicts that a project with thousands of contributors ought to be a flaky, unstable mess. Somehow the Linux community had beaten the N-squared effect and produced an OS of astonishingly high quality. I was determined to understand how they did it.

What I saw around me was a community which had evolved the most effective software-development method ever and didn’t know it!. Eric Raymond, Revenge of the Hackers

The ability of the OSS process to collect and harness the collective IQ of thousands of individuals across the Internet is simply amazing. More importantly, OSS evangelization scales with the size of the Internet much faster than our own evangelization efforts appear to scale. Microsoft Halloween documents

Open Source Ubiquity/Normalization (post-2000)

  • Programming languages open source
  • Open souce everywhere in modern application
  • Github generation
  • Microsoft Loves linux
  • Google, Facebook, Amazon… Web companies powered by open source
  • Lack of training/understanding.
  • Critcal bugs (log4shell)
  • Reinforcement of business involvement for maintainance (OSPO)
  • Contemporary « open source » confusion factors

Learning goals:

=> Multi public, not software centrics! Meaningful for non IT folks


  • Provide a background on « open source » origin
  • Sharing and collaboration around software over the history, « open source » from computers origin
  • Evolution of the wording and the meaning of open source
  • Formalization of sharing (free software) + theorization of collaboration methodologies (cathedral and bazaar)
  • Evolution of open source acceptance + Current state of open source


  • Culture on computers/software/internet history
  • Open models development steps: 1/ Sharing, collaboration, cultural maturation
  • Growing discovery of collaboration benefit
  • Evolution of business/economical acceptance and relation, evolution of software industry


  • Microsoft historical relation to openness movement

Activable knowledge: - Distinguish source sharing and collaboration dimensions composing « open source » - Understanding progressive exploration of digital collaboration - Overview of the state of « open source » understanding

Section approaches (?): - Contextualization of the computer history (a way to imagine the situation): * computer and software state * culture * industry relation + importance - Code sharing practices - Collaboration practices - Specification of semantic - Context of the software culture and the industry relation: acceptance + importance


Beyer, Kurt W. 2012. “Grace Hopper and the Invention of the Information Age. MIT Press.” 2012. https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262517263/grace-hopper-and-the-invention-of-the-information-age/.
Grad, Burton. 2002. “A Personal Recollection: IBM’s Unbundling of Software and Services.” IEEE Annals of the History of Computing. https://doi.org/10.1109/85.988583.
Hollaar, Lee A. 2002. “The History of Software Copyright.” 2002. http://digital-law-online.info/lpdi1.0/treatise17.html.
IBM. 1983. IBM Object Code Only Policies.” February 8, 1983. https://www.landley.net/history/mirror/ibm/oco.html.
Kernighan, Brian. 1976. Software Tools.
Leonhardt, David. 2000. “John Tukey, 85, Statistician; Coined the Word ’Software’.” The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2000/07/28/us/john-tukey-85-statistician-coined-the-word-software.html.
“Li-Chen Wang.” n.d. In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li-Chen_Wang.
Loveluck, James. 2005. “Open Software Foundation and the Open Source Movement.” 2005. https://www.loveluck.net/IT/OSF-open-source-eng.html.
McKusick, Marshall Kirk. 1999. “Twenty Years of Berkeley Unix - from AT&t-Owned to Freely Redistributable.” In Open Source: Voices from the Open Source Revolution. https://www.oreilly.com/openbook/opensources/book/kirkmck.html.
Stallman, Richard. 1983. “The GNU Manifesto.” 1983. https://www.gnu.org/gnu/manifesto.html.
———. 2001. “Free Software: Freedom and Cooperation.” 2001. https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/rms-nyu-2001-transcript.html.
Tournoij, Martin. 2023. “Let’s Not Be Pedantic about ‘Open Source’ Pre-1998 Usage.” December 31, 2023. https://www.arp242.net/open-source.html.